The data stored in the data structure is processed by means of certain operations.The following operations are performed on to the Data Structure. These are :-

v  Traversing :-
                 Traversing means to access the each and every record exactly once, so that certain items in the record may process.

v  Searching :-
                 Searching means to find the location of the record with a given key value or finding of record which satisfy more than one condition.

 v  Insertion :-
                 Insertion means to insert a new element into the existing data structure. It means to add a new record into the existing data structure.

 v  Deletion :-
                 Deletion means to delete an existing element from the existing data structure. It means to remove the existing data structure.

 v  Sorting :-
                 Sorting refers to arranging the records in some logical order. The data may be either in ascending order or in descending order.

v  Merging :-
                     Merging means to combine the record of two different stored files into a single stored file. To combine the two files into a single stored file, one should always remember that the data store into the file is in the sorted manner.


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